Friday 17 October 2014

Britain on alert for flooding and high winds from Hurricane Gonzalo

Britain on alert for flooding and high winds from Hurricane Gonzalo

Hurricane Gonzalo

A powerful hurricane set to strike Britain next week has gained strength and been upgraded to one of the top rankings

A powerful hurricane is bringing the threat of flash flooding to Britain as experts predict it is due to hit the country in days.
The National Hurricane Center (NHC), based in America, has plotted the route of Hurricane Gonzalo, which has now been upgraded to the second most dangerous level, and Britain is directly in its path.
Hurricane Gonzalo is presently in the Atlantic and experts predict it will leave devastation in its wake when it strikes Bermuda on Friday.
The aftermath of the storm is due to hit the UK shores next week and the NHC has mapped its route finishing in Britain.
However, the Met Office said there was still a chance that the UK could escape the worst of the weather.

Emergency planning procedures are on standby in case they are needed and officials from the Met Office are working closely with the Highways Agency and the Environment Agency.
If it strikes the country there is a risk of flash flooding and strong winds.
Last October, the St Jude's Day storm saw 80mph winds, flights cancelled and 20ft waves battering the coastline.
This weekend forecasters have already predicted a bizarre combination of unseasonally warm weather, strong winds and rain from the fall out from Hurricane Fay which hit last weekend.
Despite winds forecast of up to 50mph in exposed areas, temperatures are set to increase from the average of 55F (13C) to 70F (21C).
The NHC predicts Hurricane Gonzalo will hit Bermuda on Friday and make its way across the Atlantic to reach Britain's coastline by next Tuesday in a milder form.
It is expected to remain in Bermuda until Saturday before it begins to move towards Britain, reaching Newfoundland in the early hours of Sunday morning and continuing its path across the Atlantic Ocean on course to hit Ireland in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
When it reaches the British coastline in will be in the less ferocious guise of a post-tropical storm but it could still spell misery and chaos for the country.
A spokesperson for the Met Office said: "By the time it reaches us it will bring wet and windy weather. The forecast for next week is wet and windy weather and if the storm hits us it will just make the wet and windy weather worse.
"It will be the same weather we often get in autumn except if the storm hits it will be more severe. It is possible to see flash flooding and surface water flooding if we have a lot of rain.
"It is too early to say how strong the winds will be but they could be up to 70mph. We still do not know if this will happen and it could just fizzle out. We will be keeping an eye on it over the coming days."
The Met Office is ready to contact emergency services in areas which could be badly effected once they know more details.
A spokesman for the Highways Agency said: "We work very closely with the Met Office and we have representatives working in our national operational centres advising us on whether or not we need to close routes.
"They will be monitoring the storm.

"If gale force winds are forecast we will need to look at closing major crossings to high sided vehicles."
A hurricane warning is presently in effect for Bermuda, and forecasters said a dangerous storm surge accompanied by destructive waves could cause significant flooding on the island
In Bermuda, father-of-two Jeremy Deacon, originally from East Yorkshire, said residents were on high alert and had made preparations to protect their properties.
The eye of the hurricane is due to hit Bermuda on Friday.
Mr Deacon, who runs a PR company, said: "We are expecting the power to go off at some stage. There have been queues all week at the DIY stores with people stocking up on water containers.
"We've been warned there will be winds of up to 120mph and it is no exaggeration to say that the Island will sustain very severe damage. We are expecting a meltdown. All we can do is wait."
When the hurricane leaves the Island and travels to Britain it will be less ferocious and despite the wet weather it will bring temperatures are expected to be around 62F (17C).

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